Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^contact/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=contact
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^feed/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sFeed=rss
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^feed/(.+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sFeed=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^language/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=language&locale=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^search$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^search/(.*)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sParams=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/mark/(.*?)/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=mark&as=$1&id=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/send-friend/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=send_friend&id=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/contact/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=contact&id=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/new/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_add
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/new/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_add&catId=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/activate/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=activate&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/deactivate/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=deactivate&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/renew/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=renew&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/edit/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_edit&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^item/delete/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_delete&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^resource/delete/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9A-Za-z]+)/?(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=deleteResource&id=$1&item=$2&code=$3&secret=$4
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})/.*-{ITEM_REGION}/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)\?comments-page=([0-9al]*)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$3&lang=$1_$2&comments-page=$4
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^.*-{ITEM_REGION}/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)\?comments-page=([0-9al]*)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$1&comments-page=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})/.*-{ITEM_REGION}/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$3&lang=$1_$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^.*-.*/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/login/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=login
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/dashboard/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=dashboard
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/logout/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=main&action=logout
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/register/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=register&action=register
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/activate/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=register&action=validate&id=$1&code=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^alert/confirm/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/(.+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=activate_alert&id=$1&email=$3&secret=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^member/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=profile
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^member/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=pub_profile&id=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^member/(.+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=pub_profile&username=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/items/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=items
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/alerts/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=alerts
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/recover/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=login&action=recover
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^user/forgot/([0-9]+)/(.*)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=login&action=forgot&userId=$1&code=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^password/change/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_password
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^email/change/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_email
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^username/change/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_username
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^email/confirm/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_email_confirm&userId=$1&code=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&id=$2&slug=$1
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})/([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&lang=$1_$2&id=$4&slug=$3
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([a-z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&lang=$1_$2&id=$4&slug=$3
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([a-z]{2})/([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&lang=$1&id=$3&slug=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^(.+?)\.php(.*)$ # URI to go : $1.php$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([^/]+)/([0-9]+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sCategory=$1&iPage=$2
Request URI: welsh-terrier # Match : ^([^/]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sCategory=$1
Welsh Terrier's For Adoption

Welsh Terrier

Murphy JuM
Murphy JuM
Welsh Terrier
Austin, Texas
Tater Tot
Tater Tot
Welsh Terrier
Atascadero, California
Welsh Terrier
Dalton, Georgia
Fred is sweet and mellow
Fred is sweet and mellow
Welsh Terrier
Redondo Beach, California
Welsh Terrier
Morton Grove, Illinois