Iowa County Humane Society

305 County Road YZ, Dodgeville, Wisconsin, 53533

Adopting from Iowa County Humane Society

Looking to add a pet to your family? Iowa County Humane Society is a great place to start your search for adopting a pet in Dodgeville.

Mission Statement

The Iowa County Humane Society is a non-profit, tax exempt organization founded on the principle of maintaining a no-kill philosophy...

Adoption Policy

Every effort will be made to approve an application as soon as possible but some applications may take longer to...
Iowa County Humane Society
Available Pets
Tu: 1-5:30pm
We: 1-5:30pm
Th: 1-5:30pm
Fr: 1-5:30pm
Sa: 12-4pm
Su: 12-4pm

Pets from Iowa County Humane Society