Montclair Township Animal Shelter

77 North Willow St, Montclair, New Jersey, 07042

Adopting from Montclair Township Animal Shelter

Looking to add a pet to your family? Montclair Township Animal Shelter is a great place to start your search for adopting a pet in Montclair.

Mission Statement

We are open to the public daily from 1pm to 4pm, and until 7pm on Thursdays. The shelter is closed...

Adoption Policy

If you are interested in adopting a pet, please click on the Adoption Application link to the right (which will...
Montclair Township Animal Shelter
Available Pets
Mo: 1pm-4pm
Tu: 1pm-4pm
We: 1pm-4pm
Th: 1pm-7pm
Fr: 1pm-4pm
Sa: 1pm-4pm
Su: 1pm-4pm

Pets from Montclair Township Animal Shelter