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Request URI: japanese-chin # Match : ^([^/]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sCategory=$1
Japanese Chin's For Adoption

Japanese Chin

Small, lively, and aristocratic, the Japanese Chin is a square-proportioned small dog. This breed has a bright inquisitive expression. A small amount of white shows in the inner corners of the eyes, imparting a look of astonishment. The dog’s gait is stylish, lively, and light. The single coat is abundant, straight, and silky, and tends to stand out from the body. The overall appearance is one of Oriental aristocracy.
Japanese Chin
South Lyon, Michigan
Japanese Chin
Los Angeles, California
Japanese Chin
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
Teddy & Nova
Teddy & Nova
Japanese Chin
Huntington Beach, California
Japanese Chin
Appleton, Wisconsin
Japanese Chin
Japanese Chin
Largo, Florida
Japanese Chin
Lake Forest, California
Sweet Tart
Sweet Tart
Japanese Chin
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Japanese Chin
Benton, Arkansas
Little Rock
Little Rock
Japanese Chin
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