Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^contact/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=contact
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^feed/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sFeed=rss
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^feed/(.+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sFeed=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^language/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=language&locale=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^search$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^search/(.*)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sParams=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/mark/(.*?)/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=mark&as=$1&id=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/send-friend/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=send_friend&id=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/contact/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=contact&id=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/new/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_add
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/new/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_add&catId=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/activate/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=activate&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/deactivate/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=deactivate&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/renew/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=renew&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/edit/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_edit&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^item/delete/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=item_delete&id=$1&secret=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^resource/delete/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9A-Za-z]+)/?(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&action=deleteResource&id=$1&item=$2&code=$3&secret=$4
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})/.*-{ITEM_REGION}/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)\?comments-page=([0-9al]*)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$3&lang=$1_$2&comments-page=$4
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^.*-{ITEM_REGION}/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)\?comments-page=([0-9al]*)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$1&comments-page=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})/.*-{ITEM_REGION}/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$3&lang=$1_$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^.*-.*/.*/.*-i([0-9]+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=item&id=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/login/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=login
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/dashboard/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=dashboard
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/logout/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=main&action=logout
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/register/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=register&action=register
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/activate/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=register&action=validate&id=$1&code=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^alert/confirm/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/(.+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=activate_alert&id=$1&email=$3&secret=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^member/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=profile
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^member/([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=pub_profile&id=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^member/(.+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=pub_profile&username=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/items/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=items
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/alerts/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=alerts
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/recover/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=login&action=recover
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^user/forgot/([0-9]+)/(.*)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=login&action=forgot&userId=$1&code=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^password/change/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_password
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^email/change/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_email
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^username/change/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_username
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^email/confirm/([0-9]+)/(.*?)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=user&action=change_email_confirm&userId=$1&code=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&id=$2&slug=$1
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})/([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&lang=$1_$2&id=$4&slug=$3
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([a-z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&lang=$1_$2&id=$4&slug=$3
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([a-z]{2})/([\p{L}\p{N}_\-,]+)-p([0-9]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=page&lang=$1&id=$3&slug=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^(.+?)\.php(.*)$ # URI to go : $1.php$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([^/]+)/([0-9]+)$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sCategory=$1&iPage=$2
Request URI: english-cocker-spaniel # Match : ^([^/]+)/?$ # URI to go : index.php?page=search&sCategory=$1
English Cocker Spaniel's For Adoption

English Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker was bred to find, flush, and retrieve upland game birds during a full day of hunting. The dog is slightly taller than long, compactly built, and short coupled. The English Cocker has a driving, powerful gait that covers ground effortlessly. The coat is of medium length, silky in texture, and either flat or slightly wavy. The feathering should not be so profuse that it becomes a hindrance in the field, but it should be long enough to protect the underside of the dog. The expression is soft and melting, yet dignified.
English Cocker Spaniel
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
English Cocker Spaniel
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
English Cocker Spaniel
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Rudy Roo
Rudy Roo
English Cocker Spaniel
Austin, Texas
Florence Knoll
Florence Knoll
English Cocker Spaniel
Brooklyn, New York
English Cocker Spaniel
Matteson, Illinois
English Cocker Spaniel
New Jersey
English Cocker Spaniel
Pelzer, South Carolina
Princess Bride
Princess Bride
English Cocker Spaniel
San Jose, California
Harley Spaniel
Harley Spaniel
English Cocker Spaniel
Pacific Grove, California