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Chow Chow's For Adoption

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is an Arctic-type dog, powerful, squarely built, and sturdy with heavy bone and strong muscular development. They were bred for a number of tasks, and and their build reflects their ability to herd, pull, and protect. They can have either a rough coat, which is straight and offstanding or a smooth coat, which is hard and smooth; both coat types have wooly undercoats, providing ample insulation from the cold. The characteristic straight angulation of the hind legs produces a short, stilted gait unique to the breed. The scowling expression and black tongue are essential components of breed type.
Chow Chow
Phoenix, Arizona
Bam Bam
Bam Bam
Chow Chow
Evansville, Indiana
Bam Bam
Bam Bam
Chow Chow
Evansville, Indiana
Chow Chow
Pacific, Missouri
Chow Chow
Hinesville, Georgia
Chow Chow
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Chow Chow
Cabot, Arkansas
Chow Chow
Sacramento, California
Sanderson - Hocus Pocus Litter
Sanderson - Hocus Pocus Litter
Chow Chow
Kenai, Alaska
Thackery - Hocus Pocus Litter
Thackery - Hocus Pocus Litter
Chow Chow
Kenai, Alaska
Sarah - Hocus Pocus Litter
Sarah - Hocus Pocus Litter
Chow Chow
Kenai, Alaska
Billy - Hocus Pocus Litter
Billy - Hocus Pocus Litter
Chow Chow
Kenai, Alaska
Max - Hocus Pocus Litter
Max - Hocus Pocus Litter
Chow Chow
Kenai, Alaska
Winnie - Hocus Pocus Litter
Winnie - Hocus Pocus Litter
Chow Chow
Kenai, Alaska
Chow Chow
Boca Raton, Florida
Chow Chow
Mesa, Arizona
Chow Chow
Dyersburg, Tennessee
Chow Chow
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Bolt-Foster Home Needed
Bolt-Foster Home Needed
Chow Chow
Hartland, Wisconsin
Chow Chow
Newark, New Jersey
Chow Chow
San Antonio, Texas